July 09, 2024

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Celebrates $15 Million DOT Investment in Zero-Emissions Bus Project in Alameda County

Oakland, CA – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-12) today issued the following statement celebrating the Department of Transportation’s announcement awarding $15 million in federal funding for the Alameda County - Contra Costa Transit Zero Emission Bus Implementation Project. The funds will buy new hydrogen fuel cell buses and initiate a workforce development program to train staff on zero-emissions technologies and improve service and reliability while also improving air quality.

In April of this year, Congresswoman Lee joined with her Bay Area colleagues Reps. Eric Swalwell, John Garamendi, and Ro Khanna in a letter in support of AC Transit’s application for the grant.

"As the representative to California’s 12th district, I am excited to announce new federal funding to expand the zero-emissions bus program in the East Bay. AC Transit is a national leader in clean public transportation, and this project will not only improve air quality through zero-emissions technology, but also create good paying jobs in the green energy economy." said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. "I thank the Department of Transportation and the Biden-Harris administration for their continued commitment to a cleaner and healthier environment. East Bay residents deserve safe and reliable public transportation."

“As a senior member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and a Green New Deal cosponsor, I am committed to improving public transit while also cutting emissions. These funds will help to modernize the buses in the East Bay and cut down on air pollution. I am pleased to have worked in Congress to secure this funding, and I look forward to seeing all the good that will come from this federal investment,” said Congressman Garamendi.

“Air pollution from diesel engines can have lifelong health consequence for kids and families. The $15 million grant for AC Transit to acquire zero-emission busses will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, make the air cleaner in our communities, and create good-paying union jobs. I was proud to help secure this funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” said Congressman Khanna.

“Strengthening our transportation infrastructure and workforce around the Bay Area are top priorities for me,” said Congressman Eric Swalwell. “Transitioning to hydrogen fuel cell buses is just one step in delivering clean energy back to the State of California. I’m proud that my colleagues and I can continue to play a role in delivering progress for our communities. Clean transit is an essential step to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting our community.”

“Today, 117 communities, including the East Bay, are receiving the good news that their transit buses are being modernized and their commutes improved through President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “The Biden-Harris Administration is helping agencies across 47 states replace old buses running on dirty, expensive fuels by delivering modern and zero-emission buses, manufactured by American workers, that will connect more people to where they need to go.”